Did You Make A Tax Filing Mistake?

Did You Make A Tax Filing Mistake?

After checking and re-checking your tax return, chances are that your forms have been filled out accurately – but occasionally there is still the off chance that there may be a mistake in the forms, and you only spotted it after submission. There is no need to panic,...
Tax Tips For New Entrepreneurs

Tax Tips For New Entrepreneurs

As the internet continues to expand, it opens up new worlds of self-employment for everyone. However, if you think you can get away with not paying your taxes, think again. The IRS always catch up with non-payers, so isn’t it best to start as you mean to go on, with...
How Do Wise Tax Payers Save Money On Taxes?

How Do Wise Tax Payers Save Money On Taxes?

Said a wise man once, “In life, there is nothing certain but death and taxes.” While death occurs only once, taxes are a recurring chore that we have to deal with almost our entire adult lives. That shiny paycheck may not look as appealing after taxes are deducted,...
Experts Say Tax Plan Is Filled With Glitches

Experts Say Tax Plan Is Filled With Glitches

The newly formulated tax plan (upon being signed into law) is potent enough to cause disruption in the long run as it is full of glitches and many other issues. There can be misutilization of certain provisions that have been created to reduce the taxes, specifically...

IRS Releases Rules For Tax Filing

The IRS has released tips and rules all applicants must follow when filing their taxes. Because of the continuing confusion regarding tax filing, both manually and digitally, it is recommended to use the IRS e-file, or Free File, on their official website, IRS.gov. It...